Monday 7 May 2012

Cave Test Renders

Important Note - due to Youtube compressing videos, some quality has been lost to my videos uploaded onto my blog.

This is the first shot of the exterior of the cave, and I have opted for a dull, murky “greenish” colour scheme for the tone of the scene to make it atmospheric. I was initially going to include some plant-life but I wanted the environment to appear barren and deserted, so I included more detail on the rock formations and the different hues of green/blue. With the use of a texture, I created a brush in Photoshop that allowed me to texture the rock formations, however I painted the detail where the light falls on the crevasses through the water. Creating the right tone of colour was very important for the underwater scenes.

Final Cave Render.

I am quite happy how this has turned out; the particles in the water have a lot more variation (Particle World: Faded Sphere) which has been used in separate layers, also achieving for light to be reflected on the rock formations. This was simply done by changing the settings in Particle World. There are some glitches with the animation of the light shining through the water (Fractal Noise) but that can be simply altered. The camera also needs to move slower. Overall, I am happy with the simplicity of the scene and the particles don't draw attention away from the detail of the rock formations.

Cave Test Render 1. 

This was one of the first test-renders, just to test the speed of the camera panning across the scene. I think I will aim for it pan slower, whilst zooming into the cave to initiate the next scene (Inside Cave). I also will include light rays coming through the water. I am not happy with the bubbles rising in the water, as there is not enough variation despite being on two separate layers and moving at different speeds. The effect I used was CC Snow, which despite being quite effective for singular particles, appears to restricted.